Dinosaur World Live – In Theatres Now
What To: Dinosaur world live has landed in London and we were so excited to get to know these amazing reptiles.
Why To: We watched the show yesterday and had such a good time. Our little one was amazed at what was taking place and how the Dinos were being manoeuvred. The show is all about getting to know the dinosaurs, whilst giving us some points about how they got here. If your little one is a Dino lover, then Dinosaur world live is a great show to experience. There’s also a special meet and greet for all the brave little ones after the show.
When To: The Show has just kicked of and will be showing until the 3rd – Sept 23 – Tickets can be purchased from www.dinosaurworldlive.com
Running Time: 50 mins + 15 mins Meet & Greet
Age Guidance: 3+
Where To: Regents Open Air Theatre – Perfect for this summer!
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